New book & Norah Jones

Heyeeyyy !
I managed to oversleep this morning haa, I woke up 08.30 AM and was like "NOOOO!", but I was fine in the end.:)

Soo, I bought that sweater I tried somedays ago, I managed to find it, by accident, in the shop so it was the last of my size. It's still a little too big, though..
When we were in the brown-gallery some musicians load stuff up for a gig this evening, and we asked them if we could come, and the were like "yeah, sure. But you have to be 18" and we like "Oh No! We're 17, will turn 18 in september" Haha, don't think he believed yus though, but we'll be there anyway! :D
So she will sleep over at my place tonight, funnnnnny!
The book that I ordered a week a go has finally come. I am so glad, haha I'm reading it now.
It's called "Before I die" which is about a girl who is sick in cancer and knows she will die very shortly and she's got a list back togheter with all stuff she wants to do before she dies.
The story is getting started in like the first page so you won't get easily bored of it, like it this soon!
So yeah, this is pretty much may day, enjoy!

Best littleborther in the world.


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