Sleep over party!

Hi there!
Hanna is here now, we're watching one of Susane Lanefelt's gymnastic videos haha toatlly wild'n crazy!
We've just eaten pizza, but I feel a bit sick now :/ haha well, tonight we're gonna watch some movies, talk and have a cosy time :)
Haha, you might wonder why we watch this weird video for, by the way? It's cause we're planning to hold one gymnastic lession in school which will be in 80s clothes. So you'll see us in flower-power tights and very coloured socks! :D Haha nice!

I have done more music videos so I'll try to put them up here as soon as I can. Hope you'll enjoy it!
Haudi, haudi haha that means hello but anyway, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYE MATES!

Grandpah and I in the summer 2006 :) haha


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