
Hi everybody who's reading :)
I saw Fish Tank today and it was SO good! The movie sets in some surbub outside London I think, not really sure..
It was so moving and had a really special feeling in it, know what I mean? It really touched me..
The girl who played the mainperson (Mia) was such a good actor, really can't believe how you can become so well-playing!
But mainly, the story was really important, you know, for everyone in a way.
Mia lives with her littlesister and mother, who has some sort of alcohol problems I think, she hasn't a very good relationship with her family, she fails to attend to school and all she really does is drinking.
But then, one day a man appears, a man that is going to be her mothers boyfriend for a while and everything changes. Won't tell you anymore cause you have to see it and judge it with own eyes!
I recently got home those leaflets from different launges-trips so we'll have to decide soon :) So excited!
Well, now I'll take a shower and then go to bed and read my book which is in english! Woho, I am starting to talk more fluently now, just in time for the summer!
BYE! :)

Here's a pic of Mina and me, summer 2006, very random!

Postat av: Emma

Hej gullunge!

Vilken fin header du fått :)

Kul att du skriver på engelska. Du kanske ska ge Anna din adress också? Så kanske hon går in o kikar och kollar hur bra du är med att använda engelska i det "vanliga livet" också :)

Ses imorgon,


2010-01-13 @ 19:02:55
Postat av: Embla

Hej emma!

visst är den fin? Mina gjorde den :)

Tänkte på det, ska nog göra det.


2010-01-13 @ 21:24:27
Postat av: Mina

haha, den bilden har jag inte sett. gullig!

saknar dej<33

2010-01-14 @ 11:52:17
Postat av: Embla

fin va, men så himla längesen! :0

pusspuss saknar dej med<3<3

2010-01-14 @ 21:19:03

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